Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dep Eddie

We just finished discussing the ADDIE Model in class and how it affects the quality of instruction. I do hope that you learned a lot from the discussions and the fact that as future teachers you will one day be able to apply it in your own workplace.

Let’s take a look at the national scene though. Until recently DepEd has posited that public schools will soon be connected in the form of cyberclassrooms *– students being able to access schoolwork and other school-based activities through the Internet. Although news still is not very clear about how this would be done, I am sure that budget-wise the biggest factor for the project would be the availability of state-of-the-art facilities (equipment such as computers, airconditioned rooms, etc) and licensed software (which you all know, are very expensive), training, and a lot of other necessary purchases and preparations.

If you were to apply a system-oriented model (or the ADDIE in general) to this project, what do you think will be problematic about the situation? Can the project be justified in lieu of the state of public schools today? Do you think Judy Ann Santos and Ryan Agoncillo will ever marry? Do tell.

* Note: I will be including hyperlinks, such as this word: cyberclassrooms, in many of the articles for more information on certain topics. These hyperlinks are clickable which will take you to the resource link. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, I would suggest you right-click on it and use "Open in New Tab." If you are using Internet Explorer, do the same if it is IE 7.0 or higher. If it is lower, use right-click, "Open in New Window." Cheers.


Victoria & Hpone said...
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Anonymous said...

As part of the educational development of the DepEd, cyberclassrooms will, stil, greatly affect the learners' development yet depending on the way they react/respond to it. I think if that happens the strictness of the school policy regarding online classes will greatly depend still on learners' cooperation, responsiveness, patience in acquiring the new strategy, etc.
Yet if implemented properly, it maximizes learning experience.
Moreover cyberclassroom in the rural areas,especially, will soon need a lot of money to be implemented, so why not prioritize the very urgent needs of the those over populated classrooms with a ratio of 1:60 (1 teacher is to 60 students per classroom, Legarda) to have new classrooms and employ more teachers?
But the project is good for us not to only to show our competitiveness nationally but globally...

Victoria & Hpone said...

Cyber classrooms will really affect for the students. Instead of doing assignments and school works some students might be distracted from the online games.
Even this plan helps the students alot but still need the students' cooperation...
Stduents must be online before the due day...
and it costs much to use the internet.
And class room is the best place for the students and the teachers. It will be more affective if the teachers talk direct to the students.

gioia said...
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gioia said...

ohh..well..i think juday and ryan will getting married soon..ive just talk to them..hahaha!! nyways, about the article, i havent heard about that project,just now..well, for me it is a good idea to have that kind of project,but ofcourse theres a lot of things to consider..some of us now are no longer,or seldomly use books for their reearch they just go to the internet and search there which is the easier way, well if this project will be implementd ithere are students who are fond of playing online games which can affect their studies, i think it'llo be better if there are people who will guide them as they use the what ronald said, i dont know him..hehe.. cyberclassrooms willbe more hardly implemented in rural areas..but im just hoping that our education here in the philippines will someday be one of the best eduation we can have..

Kim, Jee Eun said...

It will surely become effective when it is used properly. But the students would most likely be distracted if cyberclassroom will be implemented. During their first time, they might concentrate on their tasks, but as the time goes by, they will most likely use what they have learned for entertainmaent (like online games).
Just like what Legarda said in the article, nothing can beat real teachers in education. Social interaction is also a important factor in the learning process.
If the student's goal is to become involved in computer related jobs and activities in the future, cyberclass may be a good experience to him/her. But over-all, cyberclass doesn't seem to be really essential as of now.

Anonymous said...

I think it will be effective for the students. Of couse there are some of negative influence, but we cant refrain from doing sth. for fear of a slight risk. Just give the best direction and guidance to the students for correctly using internet and computer.

jonathan said...

I think Judy ann her boyfriend will not get married now because they are too busy with their career.Ahhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooo!!!!!!

Cyberclassroom is good but not all the learners are having fun with online activities.......

Unknown said...

It can be reali effective as when we look at the modern times huh!!!!
i have one fren who is studying from online.... first i was kinda confused and surprising... but then i ask him is it reali effective?? Then he ans. it depends.. for me i think also.. coz it reali depends on both the teacher and student coz the teacher is teacheing but then the student isnt' paying attention or doing the requirements then what's the use... its like wasted... so i think it depends.. and for me the downfall of the addie part will be as it is the first time for the school i think the evaluation part will have to revise coz in every model or strategies it is hardly to success in the first time..
but then the big responsiblity is still on the teacher .. even though they are having cyberclassrooms there should always be a person who should guide... if not the direction will be lost... so eventhough its a cyberclassroom, the teacher has less things to do, but the teacher still plays a reali important role . Because the teacher is the one who guides.

anabillee said...

hmm...if judy ann and ryan get marry soon,then why not??well,good luck and hoping they will live happily ever after just like the "teleserye" they ever had....hehe.well,talking to the project about cyberclasroom,thats good news and bad news for me.There are many factors should be considered.We have to know the advantages and disadvantages for that.Its nice since we are living now in a hightech world.Everything would be easier and faster.peole become updated and research work would be fine.our communication also would be more closer.but, on the other hand,it contribute bad effects to the learners.if the users would go beyond limitations and which are not helpful to their learning.and i believe it has bad effects also to our health.students would be prone to,if this project would become true,students shoud use the computers wisely with regards to their learning.and instructors also shoud give proper guidance to the learners.

Anonymous said...

Well...Before planning this cyber classroom, we need first to considered all the advantages and disadvantages of it. I think that cyber classroom will really affect the study of the student instead of focusing in their school works they might busy on it... they might busy on online activities.
It is better if their are people or teachers who will guide on them, like what other said..

And I think it is better to spend the money on improving other facilities in school instead of building a cyber classroom.

Rachelle said...

Cyberclassrooms ? Yes its good to have that. But in our educational setting right now I don't think so that its really neccessary to have cyberclassrooms. In the first place, the government have no enough fund for that. In fact, they could not provide good classroom facilities and etc..for public schools and then propose project like cyberclassrooms? If they think that cyberclassroooms the solution to the problem in the field of education, they should think twice!
I'm not saying that it would'nt help my point is they should consider first what are the possible consequences and what are the factors to be considered before implementing that cyberclassrooms! They should enroll in Educational Technology! (hehehe)
The resource committed to the development of the cyberclassrooms is very high and I'm sure it will become a major problem in the realization of this project.

rhom said...

As a student I should say that before they build cyberclassroom they need to know first the needs of the students instead of having this they shold build first classrooms that the students can use in their proper classes..

Anonymous said...

well, i think, it is good for the students to have this "cyberclassrooms". it will help them for their assignments, projects and case presentation...i thought no showbiz! hehe,,well for me, i hope they will not get marry because sooner or later, they will separate naman eh.....

Anonymous said...

well, i think, it is good for the students to have this "cyberclassrooms". it will help them for their assignments, projects and case presentation...i thought no showbiz! hehe,,well for me, i hope they will not get marry because sooner or later, they will separate naman eh.....

Anonymous said...

Cyberclassroom is a good learning program.This will help the students to be more updated about many things and can easily understand such complicated things that only internet/computer can simplify.However, behind its advantages, there are always disadvantages.First, the lack of budget for all the facilities necessary.Second, the possibility that students will become dependent on the computer and it will lessen their interaction with the teacher which is very important in the learning process.Third, the learning development of the students might not properly be guided because of what the media bring.That's why the school administrators should be responsible in managing the school in providing quality education.By following the ADDIE model,they must analyze first what the students need.Design an effective method on how to teach the students and develop this method.If this online learning can really assist the learning of the students, then implement it.Finally , evaluate the students learning if it is really design to help the students learn effectively or not.I believe that if all the teachers would realize it, students could easily learn and understand things.

Angeline said...

Cyber classrooms will just make students lazy studying. There are many online games in the internet at these times and I think it’s a major problem if they became addicted to that. So I think, Cyber classrooms advantages will still depend on the student.

Anonymous said...

for me it is not good because we become dependent.that's all po